Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Post for the Sake of Having a Post

No broad topic to discuss here, no great revelation, just me talking about how I'm doing.

I'm doing pretty dang good. I'm really the happiest I've ever been. There's that joy thing again. I think I talk a lot about God and the truths He's revealed to me because I think about it a lot. Those things seem like the only important things to talk about. Sure, important stuff happens, interesting stuff, but a lot of it is overshadowed by God, which is how it ought to be, I think. But I want you to know me in the practical stuff. Reading this blog, you know what's going through my head, but not so much what I do or what things I like. Obviously I like God well enough, but that's no the entirety of me.

So again, I'm doing good. People have asked me how I'm doing a lot recently and I've usually responded "good, but busy." I'm almost always doing something, going somewhere, hanging out, meeting for coffee, running sound, doing something. I enjoy it, but it's also made me appreciate down time. And cars with good gas mileage. I've been talking to various people lately and there's a lot of ministry stuff coming down the pike which I'm super excited about. God seems pretty faithful to provide stuff, which is really nice. People keep asking me to sing and play guitar for them, so they must enjoy my playing somewhat, which is also really nice.

I've read a lot here recently, it's kind of my new addiction. Thankfully, this one is cheaper than most of the others I've had. Books are cheap in thrift stores and people give them away all the time as well as loan them out. I must admit, a large part of what I choose to read is very shallowly based on what the book looks like and the name of it. Of course the name is going to be a big part of why most people choose the books they do, but I tend to like old books for the simple fact they're older. Now there's also a greater likelihood of the book being good since publishers will put out just about anything with little fact-checking or discretion, really. But yeah, I like old books. Thankfully, those are usually the cheaper ones in thrift stores.

I've become much more vain lately. In my dress, not so much. I still wear tight t-shirts and pants and I'm happy with my wardrobe, but my hair and face have gotten more attention. It is nice having a good haircut, though. I've finally found someone that is able to consistently give me quality haircuts that I like. God bless my mom, she always cut my hair well, but I was never a huge fan of the style. The lovely Mrs. Shauna Gephart, my stylist, has also got me hooked on proper hair products.

I could think of more stuff to talk about but I'd like a nap, which is precisely what I'll do...right after I add a post-script to my last blog, clearing up something I didn't make as clear as I wanted to.


P.S. I feel silly every time it happens, but I will be tired at work, but not want to drink coffee for fear it will make me fidgety and hyped up on caffeine, but still leave me groggy. What almost always happens is that I end up drinking some and actually feeling awake and fine.

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