Friday, September 16, 2011

Thoughts on Fall and Sweaters and People

My close friends may read this blog and think I'm talking about them. I am. I'm also talking about myself.

I love fall! Haylee points it out well how magical fall is and the fact of getting to wear comfy jackets and sweaters and scarves isn't bad either. Fall is a wonderful season, lots of people would agree, I think. One thing that I don't really get, though, is why everyone starts longing for a significant other around this time. I mean, I'm guilty of it, too, don't get me wrong. Perhaps it's the thought of bundling up with someone, enjoying a good cup of cider or hot chocolate. Perhaps it's association with all of the holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, leading into Christmas where you're simply closer to people you love and care for. Whatever it is, it's an emotional time.

Now this will sound mighty Baptist of me, but emotions are not to be trusted. (To be clear, that was an in-joke with a Baptist friend of mine, lest I offend any people who are or like Baptists.) Emotions are God-given and are good because of that fact, but because we're fallen people, they lead us astray. We, being human, want things that sometimes, oftentimes, are not good for us. We think it's okay because we feel it so strongly. Now again, don't get me wrong, love is so often illogical, but it's still a good thing. We've got to look at the net gain, though. I would like a girlfriend right now, but it wouldn't benefit me. Any benefits that would be had would  be overshadowed by the negative. This, unfortunately, is the case for a lot of people right now, but being young, we're all short-sighted. Thus, the desire for a significant other continues.

So what to do? Throw on a hoodie, grab some cider and hang out. We all (read as: I) need to focus on God, growing our relationship with Him, growing beneficial relationships, good things. Like I was telling a very good friend last night, if we really have the Holy Spirit in us, then we have the power to overcome anything, which includes our own misguiding emotions. A problem that occurs is that we're all very bad at knowing our own hearts. We often do things we think are okay, but we're doing those things for the wrong reason and we don't even know it.

Then the LORD God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him." Gen 2:18. That right there says it better than I can ever say it. Having a significant other is not a bad thing, inherently. No, it's quite the opposite, but it can very much be a bad thing. The problem is that we are bad at prioritizing God in their lives and we let our girlfriend or boyfriend have a higher place in our lives than God, which is very much no bueno.

To sum it up, this: FOCUS ON GOD. Oh Lord, if I could only learn to do that. If we fix our eyes on Jesus, He will give us what we need. That includes a significant other. If we're to have one.

For the time being, I think many of us need to sit put, wrapped in our scarves, sipping hot chocolate and reading our dang Bibles. At least that's what I need. That and counting others before ourselves. Every now and then I'm good at doing that. Not often, though. Blegh.



  1. Touching blog, Colton. :)

  2. I have a very differing perspective on relationships. I just can't bring myself to seek one. I hate complications. lol I need to blog. I like writing my thoughts enough to do it, and I'm close enough to being hipster-ish. I like the Bravery. And looking nice. =\

  3. You know how critical I am of blogs, so I hope the weight of this statement reaches you: This is an excellent entry.

  4. Haha, thank you dear. It's less weighty than most of my other blogs, less grand a topic. I guess being concise is a good thing. On occasion, that is. Can't be too understandable.
