Thursday, August 4, 2011

Love, it'll make you a man, it'll make you a child again.

It's 10:30pm on a Thursday and I have to be at work at 5:00am tomorrow morning. I just don't find much motivation to go to bed and get sleep, really. I'm putting off getting ready for a trip I'm going on I guess because I just don't feel like packing now. I have most of my laundry done, I just have to put it all away. That, however, isn't the topic at hand or the reason I started writing a blog tonight.

I am so very happy. Joy fills my chest and I'm thankful for that. God is wonderful and I'm a jerk and that's okay because God is, as I said, wonderful. The past few days have been ridiculously encouraging and I'm ready for a fight I'm so excited. I have moments of sadness, moments of frustration, even doubt and confusion, but the underlying understanding and knowledge of God's grace and His gifts to us don't cease. I'm still in the process of wrangling my thought processes and starving out the sin inherent in my human body, but I seem to be making some progress and I thank God for that.

One thing I've noticed which makes me really really happy is that my love for people and things has grown lately. Because of my heightened emotions right now, I can also get more frustrated with people than I have in the past, but I am also a lot more understanding of the human condition and the fact that we can't do a dang thing about our sin apart from Jesus. I love the quirkiness of my friends and the little things they don't like about themselves tend to be some of the things I like best. I sometimes fear that the fact I'm happy turns people off from me, even pisses people off, but perhaps that means I'm doing it right.

Man, I could go on and on about all the stuff that's changing right now. I will say however that the human body is a complex thing and that it was designed to love. All the systems work together, if one thing is off, it throws other stuff off. This includes the physical as well as the emotional and the spiritual. One example is this: One gets exercise walking, the more one walks, the more exercise is had. If we then are made to love and one part of love is putting others before yourself, then parking farther away from an entrance to a building not only is considerate of others and thus loving, but also does yourself well by getting just a little bit more exercise than you would if you'd parked in one of the handicap spots. Now I know this isn't the most rock solid logic and it could be said that giving another person an opportunity to exercise more than yourself is also considerate, but it's like opening a door for someone. They'll most likely be okay if you didn't do it, but the consideration is the important part, I think. My point is that we are holistic beings, spiritually, physically, emotionally. Now go open a door for somebody.

I've been writing a lot here lately, a few of you know that. I hope I get a good couple of songs knocked out this next week up in the mountains of Kentucky. I'm taking the scenic route, jumping off the interstate 30 miles before I even hit Kentucky. 

I love everyone, or at least try to. I wouldn't want that any other way. God is so good, grow close to Him, understand the worth He has put in you, and what He's done for you in sacrificing His Son. Freaking yell, jump up and down, run, love, just exist as much as you can and glorify Him in all you do. NOTHING at all matters except for God and what He wants us to do, a big part of which is to simply understand that He loves us.

God, let us love all the more. Grow us into Your will for us. Let us know Your joy more and more every day.


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